Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Boy Meets Boy

I just finished reading the novel Boy Meets Boy. It is an interesting story in where may of the characters within the high school and town are gay, or transvestites, and it is considered completely normal. Outside of the town however, it's not so perfect. This story, and the Utopian has made me think about whether or not this situation is possible in our lifetimes? Sure there are communities that are gay accepting (think of cities like San Francisco) but there are always those people who are closed minded, and will not accept homosexual lifestyles no matter what. Even Tony's parents were more progressive than some people that we find in our society today.
Another interesting thing that I thought about after I finished reading the novel was that this story is overall just a love story. All of the aspects of a teenage love affair were there. In my mind this should just go to show to everyone who is against gay relationships that they are just like their relationship that they have with their significant other. They should be able to see that if you were to substitute one of the two main characters in the book into a female, that it would be like any other. I think that this novel would be a great book to open people with closed minds. It would make them see that we are all the same, no matter what sexual preference we have

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Ali,
I had a lot of similar thoughts as I read Boy Meets Boy. The town really did seem like a utopia for people who identify themselves as GLBTQ. As I read the novel, it was hard for me to get over how unrealistic many of the elements seemed. It was interesting that Levithan decided to write this way, because it almost made it hard for me to take the book seriously at times. I know this wasn't the author's intention, but the unrealistic elements almost seemed to imply that a world where everyone accepts one another is unattainable. I was glad that we talked in class about how he was "creating his own reality" instead of trying to show what we should be striving for, because the town in the book would probably never exist.
I thought it was interesting that you brought up San Francisco. I hadn't even thought of it, but I bet that there are many accepting communities of GLBTQ people there. It reminded me that while there are (and probably will always be) very closed-minded people in the world, acceptance and open-mindedness is also possible and realistic.
Great post, it made me think! :)